It is really sad when people don't have doubts anymore. They all know for sure, even though they were never there, they never saw a video. The people have lost their capacity of questioning things, they don't show any respect for anything, they are not patient anymore and they are quick at giving sentences. They can love you today and brand you as idiot tomorrow. I have seen this happen in other people's lives. The most recent example I can think of, is Morrissey. You have probably read what Sam (his nephew) wrote on his Facebook page about the incident in Rome. Probably you know the police version of the story as well. I don't know what really happened there and it is not my job to find out. But what strikes me the most is the people's reactions to this story. Though nobody was there, all the people became judges and they severely punished Morrissey. Three days ago, they were all excited about his show in Italy, today they all wish him out of their country. I have never witnessed so much hate thrown against a single person. I read the comments on Facebook and I am amazed by the huge number of law-experts on the Internet. And they all know for sure what happened there. They accuse him of everything that is bad and they are convinced that they have an objective opinion just because they are „fans” and they love his music since the beginning of his career. Where did you get this stupid ideea?
So everybody is talking about a story they never witnessed, everybody has something bad to say about a man just because they used to love his music (or so they say). It is absurd! I read the posts on Facebook and I can't help but thinking that all these comments and the situation itself would make Eugene Ionesco jealous.
I miss the days when people had respect and patience. I miss the days when people knew when to shut up and listen. And... I miss the days when people would engage their brain before opening their mouth.